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Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals
Please contact the Minister
Rev. Andrew Reed
Tel: 01784 252559
We can trace our origins to John Wesley’s visits to the town from 1771 onwards. The first chapel was erected in 1854 and we moved to our present attractive building in Thames Street in 1987.
PEOPLE - The church is more than a building — it is people! People of all ages who have found in Jesus Christ the key to life and the way to God.
FRIENDLY – With about a hundred members and a full range of activities to cater for everyone, we warmly invite you to come and join us. You would make lots of new friends, enjoy a variety of new activities — and discover a new way of living which is really fulfilling!
WORLDWIDE -The Staines church is linked with almost 7,000 other Methodist churches throughout Britain, and with some 25 million Methodists in 90 other countries — all of them acknowledging Jesus as Lord. So you would be joining not just a local church, but a worldwide community of Christian people.